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Simple Ways to Make Your House Summer-Ready

Summer season is here! Though restrictions are slowly easing up in visiting resorts and beaches during this time, in reality, many of us might choose to spend most of our days at home. That shouldn’t be that bad if you make your home summer ready. How? Start with these simple steps provided by the trusted roof insulation provider in the Philippines.

Tips on How to Keep Your House Cool this Summer

  1. Declutter your space

Now is the right time to get rid of unused pieces of furniture, ceramics, appliances, or clothes that you have accumulated over the past years. You can sell them online or give them away to friends who need them. The primary goal of decluttering is to have more living space during summer so your house feels fresher and more comfortable. This may seem tedious, but with the help of everyone at home, this should be a breeze. You can also declutter one room at a time instead of doing everything in one go.

  1. Replace curtains and beddings with light-colored ones

If you’ve been using dark-colored curtains or sheets in your home, it’s time to replace them with light-colored ones. Fabric colors like light white, green, yellow, and beige can give off a cooling effect, which is very welcome during a scorching summer. These colors also reflect light and heat so they can make your home cozier.

  1. Use natural fabrics

Aside from the colors, the fabric material of your curtains, bedding, and sofa covers also plays a crucial role in making your place cooler. Natural fabrics like cotton and linen are more “breathable” and offer insulating properties to keep your home cool during the hot season and warmer during the rainy days.

Indoor plants
  1. Decorate with plants

For the plantitos and plantitas out there, here’s a tip: decorate window areas with indoor plants. Aside from aesthetic purposes, these plants bring the temperature down while improving the quality of the air indoor. Examples of these plants are lemongrass and aloe vera.

  1. Rearrange furniture

Some areas of your house may be more exposed to sunlight, especially at noontime. Check whether you need to re-arrange your furniture where the sunlight will be less. Also, if you have rugs and carpets, consider removing them as walking on bare flooring with your bare feet feels much cooler. These changes should be temporary. You may move furniture pieces to their original places once summer is over.

  1. Clean your appliances

If your electric fan has been collecting dusts, the quality of air it provides may not be as strong. The same goes for the air conditioning unit. Check if the filter needs to be cleaned or if you need a professional’s help to perform a deep clean.

  1. Use energy-efficient lights

If you’re still using incandescent bulbs, it’s time to replace them with LED or compact fluorescent lamps. Incandescent lamps produce hotter light. Cooler lighting fixtures also utilize less energy, so you save on electricity costs.

Choosing Best Roofing Materials
  1. Install Summer-Ready Roofs

If you still have time and resources, you can make your home summer-ready with pre-painted roofs. These roofs come in different colors, but for cooler and more comfortable homes all year round, we recommend light colors like white and beige. Light-colored colors deflect light and minimize the heat that may enter your home.

  1. Cut The Heat By Going Solar

Aside from colors, you can also opt for solar panel roofs to use the sun’s light and heat to your advantage. PHINMA-owned Phinma Solar, together with Union Galvasteel Corporation, can facilitate solar panel for roofs, to help you enjoy the benefits of using solar-generated electricity. Contact Phinma Solar to know more.

Need help in finding the best roofs for your house? Here’s the Best Color Roof Buying Guide in the Philippines for you!

When looking for pre-painted roofs, choose those only from Union Galvasteel Corporation. As these roofs are already painted, you don’t have to do the painstaking task of painting. What’s great about them is that they come in various colors—Red, Green, Beige, Blue, Orange, White, Brown—and if you don’t see the color you like on the list, then don’t worry because special colors are also available upon request. These roofs are also durable, less prone to corrosion, and guaranteed to last long.

Another UGC product we recommend for a summer-ready home is the Insulated Polyurethane or PU panels. PU panels are composed of three layers: the two outer skins usually made of metal and the polyurethane foam in between them. The foam in between is a great thermal insulator. With the insulation that PU panels provide, your home can feel cooler. At the same time, you save on energy costs because you’ll be using cooling appliances less frequently.

UGC is the market leader in the manufacturing and distribution of pre-painted roof materials and roof insulation in the Philippines. If you need any of our products, we are easy to find, as we have the largest and most diversified distribution network in the industry. We have warehouses and sales offices in strategic locations throughout the country. Get in touch with us via our website or call these numbers for assistance: (02) 8520-8822-23; 8520-8831; (049) 545-0084 to 86 or 09175033965 (Globe) and 09190032303 (Smart).

Take Advantage of Solar Power

Installing solar panels on your roof is also a great idea. This requires more investment and is not simple. However, thanks to PHINMA Solar, using solar equipment is now possible without too much capital expenditure. You can have PHINMA Solar conduct a technical evaluation of your premises to assess and present an offer. Their engineers will also discuss the size of the solar facility to be installed, the amount of energy it can produce, and the economic savings you can enjoy. You may visit their website to learn more about this exciting new offering.

By following these tips, you can still have a fun summer without the need to go to the beach. Start with simple ways such as decluttering to investing in good roof insulation in the Philippines. Make your home the best summer destination for you and your family.

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