Do you ever look at big houses, buildings, or structures like gymnasiums and wonder how their roofs were installed? They don’t seem to have the same roofing materials that you commonly see being sold in hardware stores because they are longer and bigger. So how did they have those roofs? Most probably, their roofs were installed with the help of on-site rollforming. Learn more about on-site rollforming and whether it is the ideal service for your next construction project.
What is on-site rollforming?
On-site rollforming is the process of manufacturing metal roofing materials using a portable machine. The machine allows the materials to be produced on the construction site, instead of producing them in the plant and delivering them to the site.
To make the roofing materials, a metal (often a steel coil) is inserted into the machine, where it goes through various rollers. The rollers form the metal into the desired panel shapes. Once it goes out of the machine, it can go straight up onto the roof or be stored on site. The roofing materials this machine produces are of the same quality as the ones made in the plant.
This process offers many benefits, so it’s utilized in big construction projects. Below are some of the advantages of on-site rollforming.
Why Utilize On-site Rollforming
On-site rollforming is recommended for structures that require long span roofing.
The longer the roof, the fewer the seams, making for more weather-tight roofing. On-site rollforming can produce long span roofs with longer lengths than factory-made ones. Especially for structures that will be utilized by many people like gymnasiums and for warehouses where products are stored. Roll formed roofs are essential for these structures to avoid leaks and water damage when raining.
Another advantage of on-site rollforming is the cost savings on shipping and packaging. Since the materials are produced on-site, no need to spend on transportation vehicles. Just imagine the number of vehicles and the trips you have to schedule just to deliver roofs if you’re working on a large construction project. Up to 25% of production cost can be saved with on-site rollforming.
Related to the previously mentioned advantage, you save time with on-site rollforming. No need for deliveries to arrive because the roofs are made on-site, and fast. Rollforming machines can produce materials between 30 to 150 feet per minute. Moreover, you can install the roofs directly right after they come out of the machine. No need to unpack, unlike when roofs are delivered.
On-site Rollforming for Sustainability
With climate change being a pressing issue nowadays, sustainability has become important, and that is actually offered by on-site rollforming. Because it allows you to produce roofs to your desired shape and length, it reduces, if not eliminates, wastage of materials. The roofs also do not require packing that you will just eventually dispose of.
We mentioned earlier that you save on shipping expenses with on-site rollforming. But more than the cost, you also save the environment with this process because less transportation means less fuel consumption. As we know, using fossil fuels contributes to the deterioration of the environment.
On-Site Rollforming in The Philippines

If you want to enjoy the benefits of on-site rollforming while promoting sustainability, then Union Galvasteel Corporation is the company to call. On-site rollforming is one of the services offered by UGC. The service provides the advantages of preserved product quality specifically for long span panels, and at the same time offers a faster workflow because of reduced material handling. It also allows you to establish and monitor your project schedule since UGC is with you on-site facing issues of limited laydown space and unpredictable site conditions.
As for the long span metal roofs that UGC can produce with our rollforming machine, we offer a lot of options. One is Duracurve, which features an arc tri-crimp design that gives an edgy feel to any structure. Duracurve is economical, wind-resistant, and low maintenance—making it ideal for gymnasiums, domes, covered courts, walkways, and high residential buildings. Another product is Duraseam, a roofing material that features a very steep slope. It is mechanically seamed for assured water tightness. It is also free of any holes from screws that could allow moisture to seep through. These features make Duraseam ideal for commercial and industrial structures.
For our rib roofs, we have Hi Rib and Mega Hi-Rib. Our Hi Rib roof has a deep corrugation design that can carry large volumes of rainwater. With its high rib height of 50 mm, the possibility of its rib causing leaks is eliminated. This material is recommended as roofing for gymnasiums, warehouses, and almost all flat roof structures. It is also suitable for commercial and industrial buildings. Meanwhile, our Mega Hi-Rib roofs are recommended for industrial plants with a long span and very steep slope. Mega Hi-Rib has a deep corrugation design also capable of carrying a large volume of rainwater. It provides extra strength and maximum rain drain-off capacity.
We at UGC are more than happy to answer your questions about long span roof price in Philippines or on-site rollforming. We are a leading roofing manufacturer in the Philippines. If you need any of our products, we are easy to find, as we have the largest and most diversified distribution network in the industry. We have warehouses and sales offices in strategic locations throughout the country. Get in touch with us via our website or call these numbers for assistance: (02) 8520-8822-23; 8520-8831; (049) 545-0084 to 86 or 09175033965 (Globe) and 09190032303 (Smart).